Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Thanksgiving Homework


1.) This assignment is due on Monday when you get back from Thanksgiving Break.

2.) If you are not going to be at school Monday then you need to email me your answer.

3.) If you do not have internet at home then I need a written excuse from your parent explaining why you could not access the internet. They need to sign the excuse.

4.) The assignment is due in the morning before school starts for all Geometry classes.

5.) Your answer is in bullet-form format.

6.) You will turn your answer in to me in the Geometry classroom.

7.) Email answers are only accepted from students not attending school on Monday.

8.) Email answers are also due by 8am Monday morning- NO EXCEPTIONS

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

turkey is the heart of thanksgving... cranberry suace is a Delightfully sour treat!...till next time my friends adios