Saturday, October 20, 2007

Student Questions About The Geometry Portfolio

Student Question: Mr. Kowal-for the studentexample on thursday's in class question, should we write a paragraph explaining what we are going to do, and then a seperate paragraph actualy doing it; or should we just merge both paragraphs.
Answer: Your question only concerns #4. For problem #4 you are to write one paragraph that explains what you are going to do mathematically in order to prove that segment AB is perpendicular to segment BC. It should resemble, in form, the student's in-class Thursday example. Next you will show me the mathematics that corresponds to what you have said in your paragraph for this problem.

For #5 just give me the mathematics. It's proven the same way as #4. For #1-#3 just write me the paragraph proofs. Let me know if this helps.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

that clears it up thanks