Monday, March 31, 2008

Homework Solutions

My computer is acting up and I can't scan in the documents. My apologies; I'll try again tomorrow.

-Mr. K

Monday, March 3, 2008

Portfolio-Quarter 3

Tomorrow you will turn in a portfolio. You will follow the directions below or you will loose points each time you choose not to follow directions.


1.) Your portfolio is due tomorrow at 8a.
2.) You will turn the portfolio into me in my office between the hours of 7:45-8a. I will be encircling the school to see if anyone is copying from each other. If I find you working on the portfolio with or next to someone then your portfolio will be confiscated and you will be given a written test to prove that you know the material.
3.) Your portfolio will be in a folder.
4.) All work is written on copy paper.
5.) Only one proof (and its corresponding parts) will be written one one sheet of copy paper.
6.) You may write on the back of the copy paper.
7.) If a proof exceeds more than one sheet then you need to staple all sheets pertaining to one proof together. I will not have a stapler!
8.) Each proof needs a picture.
9.) Each proof needs to specifically state what is GIVEN and what needs PROVING.
10.) The proofs need to be in order. That order is given in the list below starting with A.) and ending with I.)


A.) Show that the shortest distance between a point, P, in space and a line/segment AB is itself a segment PQ that intersects AB at a right angle.
B.) Theorem 10.2
C.)Theorem 10.3
D.) Theorem 10.4
E.) Theorem 10.5
F.) Theorem 10.6
G.) Theorem 10.7
H.) Theorem 10.8
I.) Show that if an inscribed angle ABC, has endpoints A and B on the diameter, AB, of circle P then angle ABC is a right angle. You can not use an algebraic proof. Note- B is the vertex of angle ABC and B is on the circle P.
J.) Show that if a quadrilateral DEFG is inscribed in circle C that its opposite angles are supplementary.

Good Luck.