Thursday, November 29, 2007

Homework 11-29-07: Prove the Hinge Theorem

Do the outlined proof for the Hinge Theorem on pg. 341 #28

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Extra Credit for Quarter 2

Hint: Set up the situation on the corrdinate plane and try to think about Right Triangles and Isoceles Triangles and maybe even the Congruency Triplets!

Remember, the only thing you know is that you have a point P and a line L in space. Point P is not on L.

Homework 11-28-07: Section 5.5

Do exercises (6-15) pg.331

Homework Check tomorrow on last night's homework!

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Quarter 2, Week 5: NAF Quiz

From now on I will be publishing the NAF quizzes in one posting. This week we have only taken two of them. I will publish the one we take tommorrow (Wednesday), on exponents, here in this posting. I figure this will help keep the postings more concise and easy to locate if you want to practice NAF Quizzes with a tutor or with yourself.

Graph Paper

I've published some graph paper for you to print out if you'd like to.

Homework 11-27-07: Section 5.3

pg.313 (1, 2, 5, 8, 11-17)

Monday, November 26, 2007

Homework 11-26-07

pg. 298-299 (21-27)odd and 28
pg.306-307 (1-10), (13-15), (18-19)

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Thanksgiving Homework


1.) This assignment is due on Monday when you get back from Thanksgiving Break.

2.) If you are not going to be at school Monday then you need to email me your answer.

3.) If you do not have internet at home then I need a written excuse from your parent explaining why you could not access the internet. They need to sign the excuse.

4.) The assignment is due in the morning before school starts for all Geometry classes.

5.) Your answer is in bullet-form format.

6.) You will turn your answer in to me in the Geometry classroom.

7.) Email answers are only accepted from students not attending school on Monday.

8.) Email answers are also due by 8am Monday morning- NO EXCEPTIONS

Thursday, November 15, 2007

Homework: 11-15-07

Make certain, if you have missed school, that you have done exercises #24,and #25 pg.260 and that you bring them with you to class on Monday. Make certain that your proof you did in class today is perfect and that you bring it with you to class on Monday.

Also your NAF quizzes are due on Monday. If you scored 100% on them then you don't have to correct them over the weekend.

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Homework: Tuesday 11-13-07- Review for Test Chapter 4

For a review you need to complete the following exercises:

pg. 260 (23-26)
pg. 286 (1-12)

Below is your NAF Quiz from today and yesterday. Correct them and turn them in on Monday 11-19-07.

Monday, November 12, 2007

Sample Portfolio From A Student

Here is a sample of a student's work from the portfolio from the first quarter. I have included the grading rubric so you could understand how the points were awarded. The posting continues below; in all there are 10 pages to this student's portfolio.

1.)You were supposed to complete the homework assignment from last week that had you show that the interior angles of an equilateral triangle are all 60 degrees. Make certain you have this proof.

2.)Also, I will post the NAF Quizzes from this week towards the end of the week. If you did not turn in the NAF Quizzes from Week 2 corrected you need to do this tomorrow.

Sample Portfolio From A Student (Con't)

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Homework: 11-6-07and 11-7-08

Do exercise #35 pg.255. You have a homework check that will cover pg. 255 (31, 32, and 35) I will be publishing the Geometry Portfolio that students did well on soon. Look it over; you will have another project coming up soon that is very similar in structure.