Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Answers for the Final Exam Practice

Only work on the pages I've posted below. Do the tests again even though we worked on some in class and you will be prepared. More importantly, study the answers to the extended response sections. You all need to practice answering this section. I'll post your grades later tonight with the exam you took today.

One more thing- there are some questions that cover material we did not go over in class. You will be able to decipher the information we did not cover.

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Grade Update- Week 7

Name Grade
81592 3890493056
110891 38957064.4
71393 4731112970
121192 51466030978
60593 30695232237
90390 49063991148
42892 39092299844
102691 19477416640
120291 83467920050
11111 1103494124
12107 7635468650
62992 5740838912
92193 48427139040
61693 49682693424
112507 163697685
11694 8833239981
50593 34722156589
61092 3894105900
52792 4344212829
62893 9315950752
70692 43792580601
92091 1446174041
102591 51562567578
40192 4635266804
62692 10076843400
50192 5557554014
90992 2874047314
61992 6156691200
91291 1728301650
40492 12563007428
12292 1070037770
90291 8671286441
61992 59774267196
100290 140119457.1
20992 8142387456

Quarter 2- Portfolio

Your portfolio will be posted here. I will be amending this space as time progresses. You need to check this area every day to see what new problems I have added. All work is due the day of your final exam at 8a for all classes.

1.) The answer for #1 will go on a sheet of copy paper
2.) The answers for #2 a.-g. will each go on a separate sheet of paper.
3.) Show all of your work. NO WORK NO CREDIT!

In all, you should have 8 sheets of copy paper for the problem below.

Week 7-NAF Final Attempts


1.) The NAF Quizzes are due tomorrow at 8am in my Geometry classroom.
2.) Make certain that your name is on the quizzes.
3.) Staple your quizzzes together; there will not be a stapler in the class so perform this task before you turn them in.
4.) Put your answers in the squares provided.
5.) Reduce your fractions and leave them as improper fractions.
6.) We will grade them in class tomorrow after you take your test.

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Homework 12-5-07: Test Chapter 5

Do the review for homework.

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Week 6 Grades

Name Grade
81592 3900007849
110891 36640234.58
71393 4575762992
121192 50840252046
60593 30424581483
90390 49461373351
42892 38713558582
102691 20108694893
120291 87490535294
11111 1134443100
12107 7420711225
62992 3087195925 0
61693 47113268107
112507 160828756.5
11694 8883641789
50593 34909170000
61092 3796053240
52792 5587398816
62893 9132797352
92091 1234825196
102591 50208055918
40192 4654975812
62692 10785113733
50192 5124841612
90992 2648413152
61992 6154937712
91291 2084801156
40492 13206546784
12292 1074639573
90291 8886616287
61992 53992961467
100290 142562235
20992 7423941504

Monday, December 3, 2007

Week 6: NAF Quizzes

Homework 12-3-07: Section 5.6

pg. 338-340 (1, 3-10, 16-18, 22)

Homework Check over the Hinge Theorem. Make certain you use the Triangle Inequality or your proof is incorrect.

Thursday, November 29, 2007

Homework 11-29-07: Prove the Hinge Theorem

Do the outlined proof for the Hinge Theorem on pg. 341 #28

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Extra Credit for Quarter 2

Hint: Set up the situation on the corrdinate plane and try to think about Right Triangles and Isoceles Triangles and maybe even the Congruency Triplets!

Remember, the only thing you know is that you have a point P and a line L in space. Point P is not on L.

Homework 11-28-07: Section 5.5

Do exercises (6-15) pg.331

Homework Check tomorrow on last night's homework!

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Quarter 2, Week 5: NAF Quiz

From now on I will be publishing the NAF quizzes in one posting. This week we have only taken two of them. I will publish the one we take tommorrow (Wednesday), on exponents, here in this posting. I figure this will help keep the postings more concise and easy to locate if you want to practice NAF Quizzes with a tutor or with yourself.

Graph Paper

I've published some graph paper for you to print out if you'd like to.

Homework 11-27-07: Section 5.3

pg.313 (1, 2, 5, 8, 11-17)

Monday, November 26, 2007

Homework 11-26-07

pg. 298-299 (21-27)odd and 28
pg.306-307 (1-10), (13-15), (18-19)

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Thanksgiving Homework


1.) This assignment is due on Monday when you get back from Thanksgiving Break.

2.) If you are not going to be at school Monday then you need to email me your answer.

3.) If you do not have internet at home then I need a written excuse from your parent explaining why you could not access the internet. They need to sign the excuse.

4.) The assignment is due in the morning before school starts for all Geometry classes.

5.) Your answer is in bullet-form format.

6.) You will turn your answer in to me in the Geometry classroom.

7.) Email answers are only accepted from students not attending school on Monday.

8.) Email answers are also due by 8am Monday morning- NO EXCEPTIONS

Thursday, November 15, 2007

Homework: 11-15-07

Make certain, if you have missed school, that you have done exercises #24,and #25 pg.260 and that you bring them with you to class on Monday. Make certain that your proof you did in class today is perfect and that you bring it with you to class on Monday.

Also your NAF quizzes are due on Monday. If you scored 100% on them then you don't have to correct them over the weekend.

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Homework: Tuesday 11-13-07- Review for Test Chapter 4

For a review you need to complete the following exercises:

pg. 260 (23-26)
pg. 286 (1-12)

Below is your NAF Quiz from today and yesterday. Correct them and turn them in on Monday 11-19-07.

Monday, November 12, 2007

Sample Portfolio From A Student

Here is a sample of a student's work from the portfolio from the first quarter. I have included the grading rubric so you could understand how the points were awarded. The posting continues below; in all there are 10 pages to this student's portfolio.

1.)You were supposed to complete the homework assignment from last week that had you show that the interior angles of an equilateral triangle are all 60 degrees. Make certain you have this proof.

2.)Also, I will post the NAF Quizzes from this week towards the end of the week. If you did not turn in the NAF Quizzes from Week 2 corrected you need to do this tomorrow.

Sample Portfolio From A Student (Con't)

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Homework: 11-6-07and 11-7-08

Do exercise #35 pg.255. You have a homework check that will cover pg. 255 (31, 32, and 35) I will be publishing the Geometry Portfolio that students did well on soon. Look it over; you will have another project coming up soon that is very similar in structure.

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Changes Changes Changes

I have decided to change up a few things in class. As you all know I am now grading homework according to the "check" system invented by our predecessors. In addition, here are the other things you will be responsible for:

1.)You will correct your NAF Quizzes every week. The way you will begin this process is to correct all three of your NAF Quizzes from this week only. If you were not in class there is no excuse; they are posted on this blog and you will do them at home.

2.)You will turn in your three corrected NAF Quizzes every Monday. Therefore, the quizzes above will be turned in this Monday coming up 11-5-07.

3.)Make your NAF corrections on the back of the quiz. The quizzes will be stapled when you turn them in to me.

What I am planning to do with your work is compile a "Portfolio of Progress". I will keep samples of your work (NAF Quizzes, homework grades, etc.) as time progresses.

Tomorrow you have a homework check so make sure you have completed the homework. The check will be 5min in length. Good Luck!

As for tonight there is no homework. Oh, by the way the NAF Quizzes are published below.

Monday, October 29, 2007

Homework: Mon. 10-29-07

For homework I want you to prove the Hypotenuse Leg Theorem in Section 4.4 pg. 241.

Saturday, October 20, 2007

Student Questions About The Geometry Portfolio

Student Question: Mr. Kowal-for the studentexample on thursday's in class question, should we write a paragraph explaining what we are going to do, and then a seperate paragraph actualy doing it; or should we just merge both paragraphs.
Answer: Your question only concerns #4. For problem #4 you are to write one paragraph that explains what you are going to do mathematically in order to prove that segment AB is perpendicular to segment BC. It should resemble, in form, the student's in-class Thursday example. Next you will show me the mathematics that corresponds to what you have said in your paragraph for this problem.

For #5 just give me the mathematics. It's proven the same way as #4. For #1-#3 just write me the paragraph proofs. Let me know if this helps.

Friday, October 19, 2007

Week 9: NAF Quizzes

Please turn these 3 quizzes in with your Portfolio that I have posted below. Directions for turning in these quizzes are listed in the Portfolio's Directions. Not following directions will result in a loss of points!

Final Exam: Your Geometry Portfolio

What Mr. Kowal Knows
When working and writing your solutions to the exercises I’ve posted you need to assume that I do not know anything about Geometry. In fact, the only thing you can assume that I do know is the following:

1. I know what lines, segments, points, rays, and angles are
2. I know what an “opposite side” is
3. I know what non-common sides are
4. I know that angles are measured in degrees
5. I know that if two lines intersect the angles formed by the two pairs of opposite rays make ONE 90 degree angle. I do not understand if more right angles may exist; you need to prove this fact

In addition to my limited knowledge as a teacher of Geometry I have a weird condition of amnesia. You see, when I read a proof of yours I do not remember anything you have proved once I finish reading it. Because of this condition, if you think I remember or know some fact that you have proved in one exercise I DON’T- you need to re-prove everything in your subsequent examples.

What Mr. Kowal’s Students Know
Here is a list of definitions and two theorems you know if you had Mr. Kowal as a student in Geometry:

1. You know everything that I know above.
2. You know the definition of Vertical Angles
3. You know the definition of a Linear Pair
4. You know what corresponding, alternate interior/exterior angles are
5. You know that given two lines that are cut by a transversal that

-if alternate interior angles are congruent, or alternate exterior angles are congruent, or corresponding angles are congruent then the two lines that are cut by the transversal are parallel

-likewise, if the two lines that are cut by the transversal are parallel then alternate interior angles are congruent, or alternate exterior angles are congruent, or corresponding angles are congruent.

The only condition in stating that objects are a linear pair, vertical angles, etc. is that you have to show me that the necessary conditions exist in order to give rise to mathematical object's existence. For instance, if you say that two angles are a linear pair then you better show me that there exists two angles whose non-common sides form opposite rays; if you do not then I will ask why and deduct points.

I have provided an example of how a student proved #43 on pg. 160. It is posted below. The student’s work is perfect. Notice how he shows the existence of every geometric object instead of just stating that angles are a linear pair or lines are parallel. Your proofs need to model this example if you want full credit.

Organization of Your Portfolio:

In order to receive full credit then your work must be assembled in the following manner:

1. Only one proof per page. ALL PROOFS WRITTEN IN PARAGRAPH FORMAT like the example provided below #43 pg.160
2. Use only copy paper.
3. Draw any pictures that I give you on your proofs so I can follow what you are saying about the picture when I read your proof.
4. Staple all of your proofs together and then staple, separately, all of your NAF Quizzes. I will not have a stapler in class Monday.
5. Put your name on all of your work.
6. Place all of your work in a manila folder.
7. Your portfolio is due Monday morning at 7:45. I will be in our classroom at this time. Turning the portfolio in late will make you lose points.